
Suicide:is it the final solution?

I'm taking up this topic deliberately so as to put some light on to the emptiness of the thoughts in the youngsters who without any second thought take up the path of suicide. What makes them take this decision? Why is that and what is that feeling which becomes so dominant at that time which makes one end up a life which is very precious? Is everything in front of them so dark that they are unable to see a ray of hope? Why do they give up? These questions may not trouble you when you are leading a normal life, but become of utmost importance for those whose near and dear ones  have this steps. So what exactly is the mindset when a person tries to commits suicide is a real matter to be taken into consideration and given a deep thought in order to avoid future incidences. To know what is the mental condition of the person who is thinking of ending up his/ her own life we need to step into the shoes of those people and walk a few steps so as to understand the cyclones of thou

Suicide:is it the final solution Part 2

Part 2 The second major condition which brings about the tendency of committing suicide in children is comparison and bulling in the peers. Often it is seen in many families there is a lot of comparison being made between the children, may be related to work, performance or above all the studies. It is always seen that one child in a home may supersede the other, may have better ranks or may be more active, without knowing the real problem of the other child when such comparisons are made, a lot of disturbance is caused in the mind of under dog child leading him/her slowly into depression. When I speak to most of the parents about this, they deny the facts that they ever make comparisons, but in reality they do so. As a result of all this now the peers, the friends  and some relatives also start bullying this child making the conditions even worse. This child now tries to remain aloof, goes silent, tries to overcome the situation, but fails every time, all the efforts go in vain,

Suicide: is it the final solution?

Part 3 In the last part we saw that the children who is intro ward, troubled and bullied may make up their mind to commit suicide, but there is other side to the coin also or you may say there is another aspect to this, which is becoming more prevalent and dominant now-a -days. The children who are pampered the most at home given special attention, all their demands fulfilled at one go, their mistakes overlooked and their negative actions praised become the most stubborn, short tempered as well as impulsive and intolerant . They demand the same treatment out of the homes also, which is not possible at all the times and at all places. These children become so demanding that they never develop a tendency to listen to a no from anyone. This type of attitude definitely causes problem in long run. In a study which I carried out in a few cities across India in a age group of 12 to 14 years, the children who belonged to well to do families; all their demands were fulfilled in one word,