Suicide: is it the final solution?

Part 3
In the last part we saw that the children who is intro ward, troubled and bullied may make up their mind to commit suicide, but there is other side to the coin also or you may say there is another aspect to this, which is becoming more prevalent and dominant now-a -days. The children who are pampered the most at home given special attention, all their demands fulfilled at one go, their mistakes overlooked and their negative actions praised become the most stubborn, short tempered as well as impulsive and intolerant .

They demand the same treatment out of the homes also, which is not possible at all the times and at all places. These children become so demanding that they never develop a tendency to listen to a no from anyone. This type of attitude definitely causes problem in long run.

In a study which I carried out in a few cities across India in a age group of 12 to 14 years, the children who belonged to well to do families; all their demands were fulfilled in one word, had a very good life style, 72% of the children did confess that they had the thought of committing suicide.
When going in depth to understand the reasons, the above conditions were predominant.

In most of the cases both the parents were working and were unable to give quality time to their wards, instead they developed a tendency to fill this gap by giving gifts and gadgets, but they tend to forget that the right Sankaras which should be given to the child at the right time, if missed do create a lot of problem in the future.

These children are unable to cope up with the challenges, are unable to face failure, cannot absorb insults, mostly have a disturbed life, try to remain alone, don't like anyone's company, can go to any extreme and in anger may take up the design of ending up the life. 
