Suicide:is it the final solution Part 2

Part 2

The second major condition which brings about the tendency of committing suicide in children is comparison and bulling in the peers. Often it is seen in many families there is a lot of comparison being made between the children, may be related to work, performance or above all the studies.
It is always seen that one child in a home may supersede the other, may have better ranks or may be more active, without knowing the real problem of the other child when such comparisons are made, a lot of disturbance is caused in the mind of under dog child leading him/her slowly into depression.

When I speak to most of the parents about this, they deny the facts that they ever make comparisons, but in reality they do so. As a result of all this now the peers, the friends  and some relatives also start bullying this child making the conditions even worse. This child now tries to remain aloof, goes silent, tries to overcome the situation, but fails every time, all the efforts go in vain, no one is there to listen to him/her, nor give some solution, not home, nor in school neither in friends or in relatives.

This child wants to overcome this situation, tries the maximum, but the efforts fail every time. The only problem with him/her is that they have not understood something with the same explanation with which others easily understand. This may be due to improper understanding of logic, lack of attention during the explanation or remaining absent when that funda was being class, missing a few points due to inattentiveness. All these factors have a major impact during the exams or on the final results. Coping up with these types of situations become difficult at times, the parents mostly don't get an idea or have an idea to overcome or resolve these type of problems.

The remedies which are given are just changing the heads from parents to school teachers, to tuition teachers to physiologists but the core problem is nor understood nor addressed properly.
With all the scenes going around the child gets more depressed, the performance levels get more deteriorated and out of control.

 There comes a point, when things become unbearable, that is the point when that child makes up the mind to say goodbye to this world.

To avoid this please spend quality time with your child, because Your Children Are Your Valuable Assets, No Money In The World Can Buy Them.
